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Locally Made Jewelry

.860 fine

By Nancy Schmidt
.860 fine gold jewelry is very unique. The gold used to make this jewelry came from raw gold nuggets which have been mined from the earth in what is called "pacer mining". This gold came from Yukon Territory and the Klondike goldfields made famous from the Dawson City Gold Rush of 1898.

About the artist.

Andrea Blais

Growing up on the prairies in Alberta, Canada, Andrea developed an appreciation for the diverse landscapes and abundant beauty of natural form. This inspiration was fostered when she began her arts degree and ultimately graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Distinction from the Alberta College of Art + Design in Calgary. She currently works and resides in Kelowna, BC.
Drawn to the intimacy and emotional element of jewellery, Andrea Blais has a minimalist approach to design. Distilling an idea to it’s purest form, her pieces are hand sculpted in Canada using both traditional goldsmithing techniques and modern technology. Through a meditative process, Andrea coaxes beauty from fine materials with calm inspiration and careful technique.